How I Unwind During a Spiral
If you're like me, you know this feeling all too well. A "spiral" is that feeling when things start to fall apart, I start to panic and feel anxious, and I'm getting deeper into a dark mental space. I can tell it's starting when I have a hard time catching my breath and when I want to cross my arms or curl up into a ball.
I've really struggled with spiraling during this pandemic. Even after starting my full time job, I found myself with an abundance of free time on my hands and I didn't know what to do with myself. Every Saturday, I would go explore the city, get my errands done, eat my favorite omelette for brunch...but by Saturday night, I would be restless and slowly slipping down the rabbit hole.
I've realized that getting my heart rate down and finding calm is the best way for me to unwind. Keep in mind, none of these techniques are meant to replace professional help for mental health struggles. However, these are supplemental tools I find helpful, and maybe you can too.
Calling a friend
Talking and taking my brain off whatever is bothering me is the best thing I can do. I love to hear what's going on elsewhere, especially if part of my panic is from the feeling of isolation. I have my best friends' numbers on speed dial and almost always someone is around to chat.
Taking a shower
A nice warm shower really slows my heart down. I use different body scrubs and shower steamers to make me feel even better. Being unplugged and in a calm environment helps me clear my head and start to relax.
Creating a calm environment
Lighting a candle and putting on a peaceful album (ie. Taylor Swift's evermore) can start to calm me down. It also helps me to put my energy into something, like re-organizing my desk or putting my laundry away.
I have a stuffed animal heat pack, Snoopy, that really comes in clutch. I put his little lavender pouch in the microwave for a minute, stuff it back in his tummy, and squeeze him tight. The heat near my chest helps me relax. I don't really care that I look like a small child- I love him and he really helps me out.
It might seem counterintuitive, but getting active helps me clear my head sometimes, too. If I feel myself starting to spiral, I go for a walk, ride my scooter, or visit the gym to work out my negative thoughts and feelings.
This will sound cheesy, as it's what I'm doing right this moment, but writing helps me settle down. I find myself more expressive and thoughtful when I'm writing, especially when I don't feel like I can speak.
Deep breathing
Yea, this one's obvious but I can't deny it helps. Lying flat, closing my eyes, and breathing in and out can usually do the trick.
Are there any specific tools you use to cope with anxiety? Feel free to share!